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Recent Publications

Version 1
Mastering Code: Your Ultimate Guide to Coding Assignment Help
18/03/2024| By
James James Smith

Are you struggling to crack the code of coding assignments? Whether you're a seasoned programmer or just starting out, grappling with coding assignments is a common challenge. The good news is, you don't have to navigate the complexities of coding assignments alone. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore how to master code with the help of coding assignment assistance services, particularly highlighting the expertise offered by in the realm of coding assignment help.

12/02/2024| By
Flavio Flavio Farroni,
+ 5
Dario Dario Milone

Optimizing the performance of racing motorcycles is a central goal for competition teams. The necessity to ensure driver stability and a good level of grip in the widest possible range of riding conditions makes it necessary for tires to work in the right temperature window, capable of ensuring the highest interaction force between tire and road. Specifically, the internal temperature of the tire is a parameter that can be difficult to measure and control but has a significant impact on motorcycle performance and, also, on driver stability. Deepening knowledge of internal tire temperature in racing motorcycles can improve performance optimization on the track and finding the right motorcycle setup. In this work, a physical thermal model is adopted for an activity concerning the development of a moto-student vehicle, to predict the racing motorcycle setup allowing the tire to work in a thermal window that optimizes grip and maximizes tire life. More in detail, a focus has been placed on the effects of the motorcycle’s wheelbase and pivot height variations on internal tire temperatures. Indeed, the stability and handling of the vehicle are highly dependent on the geometric properties of the chassis. Several values of such quantities have been tested in a properly implemented vehicle model developed in the “VI-BikeRealTime” environment, validated by outdoor tests, able to provide forces acting on the tires, slip indices, and speeds, needed by the thermal model as inputs. Through the analysis of the internal temperatures calculated by the model, reached by the various layers of the tire, it has been possible to investigate which of the simulated conditions cause a too-fast thermal activation of the tire and which of them can avoid overheating and underheating phenomena. Lately, this research has delved into the correlation between motorcycle riders' paths and temperature fluctuations with the aim of comprehending how minor alterations in routine maneuvers may influence tire energy activation, particularly in the context of racing and qualifying conditions.

Version 1
CSR for Social Impact
06/02/2024| By
Meera Meera Almarri

Abstract Initiatives in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can contribute to many programs for sustainable development. The Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region is considered to have been slower to change in CSR than have other Western developed countries. The purpose of this research is to explore examples in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) of how project initiatives in CSR and sustainable development can facilitate heightened awareness, engagement, and execution of action for sustainability. This research utilizes qualitative case study methods analysing a United Nations (UN) supported annual youth engagement program focused on implementation of sustainable development projects in the UAE. The varying degrees of project complexity and “programmification” of sustainability activities in the UAE reveals a more systematic and mature stage of CSR and sustainable development projects and programs than is reported in the literature. The application of project management to organize, implement, align, and monitor sustainability-centred programs provides knowledge relevant to the UAE and other countries interested in the strategic management of change. The study demonstrates the application and value of project management for implementing sustainable development initiatives and highlights the collaborative contribution of corporate and governmental stakeholders to project management in organizations. An important area for future research on sustainable development in the MENA region is to study corporate and public sector partnerships in CSR projects and sustainability programs.

08/01/2024| By
Sonia Juliana Sonia Juliana Pérez-Pérez

El mundo globalizado se caracteriza por el auge de nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación, las cuales han cambiado la forma en que vivimos. La educación, como eje transversal de la vida humana, necesita actualizarse constantemente en virtud de las nuevas estrategias, materiales, recursos y desarrollos derivados de tales cambios. En este contexto, surgen propuestas que potencian la calidad de los procesos académico a partir de metodologías activas variadas, donde la relación entre el estudiante y el docente así como la relación entre el estudiante y el conocimiento cambian, mediadas ahora por nuevos paradigmas epistemológicos en virtud de las nuevas pedagogías emergentes en el contexto de los ambientes virtuales de aprendizaje.

05/01/2024| By
Marcelo Marcelo Storoszczuk Durán

Este artículo examina el panorama actual de la educación, centrándose en tres aspectos clave: la modernización académica, la reforma educativa y la orientación vocacional. En un contexto global de rápidos avances tecnológicos y cambios socioeconómicos, las instituciones educativas se enfrentan al desafío de adaptarse para preparar a los estudiantes de manera efectiva para el mundo moderno. La modernización académica aborda la necesidad de integrar tecnologías emergentes, metodologías educativas innovadoras y enfoques centrados en el estudiante. Se exploran estrategias para aprovechar la inteligencia artificial, la realidad virtual y otras herramientas digitales con el objetivo de mejorar la calidad de la enseñanza y fomentar el desarrollo de habilidades relevantes para el siglo XXI. La reforma educativa se aborda desde una perspectiva sistémica, considerando cambios en los currículos, evaluaciones y políticas educativas. Se analizan iniciativas gubernamentales y colaboraciones entre diferentes actores del sistema educativo para promover la equidad, la inclusión y la excelencia académica. Finalmente, la orientación vocacional emerge como un componente fundamental en este contexto, buscando alinear los intereses y habilidades de los estudiantes con las demandas del mercado laboral. Se examinan programas y enfoques efectivos para brindar orientación vocacional desde etapas tempranas de la educación, permitiendo a los estudiantes tomar decisiones informadas sobre su futuro profesional. A través de un enfoque integral, este artículo aboga por un cambio holístico en la educación para preparar a los individuos no solo con conocimientos académicos, sino también con habilidades prácticas y una comprensión profunda de sus opciones vocacionales en un mundo en constante evolución.

Version 1
Orvium Education
Educar en la Era Digital
21/12/2023| By
Marcelo Marcelo Storoszczuk Durán

En su obra "Educar en la Era Digital", el educador y asesor educativo uruguayo Marcelo Storoszczuk Durán nos sumerge en un fascinante viaje hacia el futuro de la enseñanza. Se analiza con agudeza la transformación radical que la tecnología ha impuesto en el panorama educativo. Explora cómo la era digital ha alterado los métodos tradicionales, desafiando la estructura misma de las aulas. A través de una cuidadosa investigación y experiencia personal, Storoszczuk aborda los desafíos y oportunidades que la tecnología presenta en la educación. Examina cómo la inteligencia artificial, la realidad virtual y otras innovaciones han redefinido el aprendizaje, desdibujando las fronteras entre el aula y el ciberespacio. El autor destaca la importancia de cultivar habilidades como el pensamiento crítico, la adaptabilidad y la alfabetización digital para preparar a las nuevas generaciones. El libro también aborda temas candentes como la brecha digital y la equidad educativa, planteando preguntas cruciales sobre cómo garantizar que todos los estudiantes tengan acceso igualitario a las herramientas digitales. Storoszczuk propone soluciones prácticas y políticas para abordar estas disparidades, subrayando la urgencia de una educación inclusiva y accesible para todos. A medida que el autor desentraña las complejidades de la educación en la era digital, ofrece estrategias innovadoras para que educadores y padres guíen a los estudiantes en un mundo cada vez más conectado. Destaca la importancia de fomentar la creatividad, el trabajo en equipo y la resiliencia en un entorno digital en constante evolución. Con un enfoque y lenguaje accesible, Storoszczuk desafía a los lectores a repensar el propósito fundamental de la educación y a abrazar las posibilidades transformadoras que la tecnología puede ofrecer. "Educar en la Era Digital" es una obra imprescindible para aquellos que buscan comprender y moldear el futuro de la enseñanza en un mundo cada vez más digitalizado. Dirigido tanto a docentes como a entusiastas de la educación.

Version 1
Orvium Education
Introduction to research: Mastering the basics
01/12/2023| By
Mohammad Mohammad Toyon

This paper provides an in-depth introduction to research methods and discusses numerous aspects related to the research process. It begins with an overview of research—what it is, why it is important, what forms it might take, and what its fundamental components are—before shifting its attention to the design of research and the benefits and drawbacks of various approaches. In addition, the article details the purpose of and procedures for a literature review. Data collection, its varieties, technique selection, validity, and reliability are then addressed. Ethics in research and guidelines for research are also discussed, along with the various types of data analysis, and how results should be obtained. In addition, the paper covers topics such as reference and citation management. This paper takes a narrative approach to summarising the scholarly resources useful for introductory-level coursework in research method. Both research and writing are never-ending processes, with endless opportunities for improvement. However, the compilation of essential academic resources might help university students, researchers and research method instructors.

02/11/2023| By
+ 2
Juliana E. Juliana E. Gonçalves

Over the last decade, solar energy has proven to be a key technology in transitioning to a sustainable energy system. However, current solar energy policies favour affluent households, limiting the participation of disadvantaged households in the energy transition. This leaves disadvantaged households even more vulnerable to increasing energy costs, as the recent unprecedented rise in energy prices has painfully demonstrated. To ensure that transition mechanisms are accessible to all households, solar energy policy needs to consider spatial justice. With this perspective, we go beyond technical analyses of solar energy potential and use a socio-spatial approach to evaluate the adoption of solar energy in The Hague. This policy brief is based on a research study that evaluated the transition to solar energy in the city of The Hague, The Netherlands, from a spatial justice perspective. Through a socio-spatial analysis at the postcode level, the research identified four distinct groups with varying levels of access to solar energy. The results show that these groups are not only strongly segregated across the city but also overlap with existing socio-spatial inequalities. The four levels of access to solar energy are then compared to current solar adoption rates and technical rooftop energy potential in the city. Results show that decreasing levels of access to solar energy align with decreasing adoption rates, revealing that current policies fail to provide equitable access to solar energy, leading to inequalities in adoption rates. Furthermore, the study quantifies how much of the technical potential available in The Hague is in areas where access to solar energy is limited, revealing a significant amount of untapped technical potential with the potential to address existing socio-spatial inequalities. Finally, two groups of interest and related leverage points for future policy interventions to address equity in the transition to solar energy in The Hague were identified.

Version 1
A Socio-Ecological Approach to Multi-Dimensional Inequality
24/10/2023| By
Larissa Larissa Müller

São Paulo, a city characterised by rapid urbanisation, long-term governmental neglect, and a widening societal gap, faces a complex challenge. Communities within the city experience extreme multidimensional inequality, marked by socio-economic vulnerabilities which stem from their marginalisation from society. In addition, the degradation of critical ecological systems and mounting climate change pressures intensify the risks of environmental disasters, creating a situation of extreme double exposure. This means that vulnerable communities in São Paulo contend with not only socio-economic vulnerabilities but also face heightened environmental risks. While Brazil’s policies took significant steps in the 1980s with the creation of the Estatuto da Cidade (City Statute in 2001) to address social inequality, current solutions are still unable to adequately reduce the multitude of vulnerabilities that marginalised communities face. In order to ensure a high standard of liveability and foster an environment of resilience for São Paulo communities, a comprehensive analysis that exposes the factors that contribute to the creation of multi-dimensional inequality is required. Firstly, recognising that inequality is not just a matter of income but is intricately linked to spatial and environmental dimensions. This policy brief calls for a holistic approach that recognises the interconnectedness of socio-economic vulnerability and environmental risks. By adopting the principles of a socio-ecological approach and conducting a comprehensive socio-spatial analysis, São Paulo can chart a path towards a more equitable and sustainable future for all its residents.

16/10/2023| By
Nicole Nicole Lewis,
+ 1
Aletia Aletia Chisin

The acquisition of soft skills among young children is of paramount importance, as these skills are highly valued in today's workplace. Research indicates that the ages of four-to-five are an ideal margin for soft skill acquisition in young children, taking advantage of children's receptiveness to new experiences. In this context, an exploratory study was conducted using Engeström's third-generation Cultural Historical Activity Theory model as a theoretical basis and incorporating a methodological framework of Collins and Brown's Design-Based Research. A co-creative process was used to ideate a blueprint for a mobile application that would develop creative thinking, communication, and social media literacy among young children within the local context of the Western Cape. Through this process, two new design principles were uncovered, alongside further principles and guidelines, to support the development of mobile applications for young children targeting soft skills development in a localized manner, with a focus on structured design principles governed by co-creation and literature reviews to support informal educative learning. In conclusion, this exploratory study provides a blueprint for addressing gaps in the literature and serves as a helpful guide for educators and developers looking to instill soft skills among young children through the use of mobile technology.